Legal Information
Ill Mentor You Ltd cannot be held liable for misrepresentations, negligence, breaches of contract, misconduct, or any claims made by or against the coaches or mentors in their individual or corporate capacity. We do not accept responsibility for any loss or injury to you or your property as a result of using this site or any coaching or mentoring information or services obtained through the I’ll Mentor you database.
We conduct background checks and require a valid relevant DBS check certificate for our UK Mentors. We also require the same level of international police background check for any mentors registering from outside of the UK. We strive to keep all members on our I’ll Mentor You database safe but in addition we recommend that you personally assess the professionalism, credentials and references of any coach or mentor and agree contractual terms before entering into any coaching or mentoring programme. You should also satisfy yourself that the coach or mentor possesses the experience necessary to deliver against your requirements.
Please contact us if you wish to comment on the quality of services obtained through the site. We welcome positive feedback and recommendations and are open to your ideas and suggestions. We reserve the right to expel registered users or providers for any breaches of contract, professional misconduct, or any other matters deemed to be sufficiently serious or inconsistent with our values and purpose.
ILL Mentor You Ltd cannot be held liable for misrepresentations, negligence, errors and omissions, misconduct or any claims made as a result of information provided on this site. We do not accept responsibility for any loss or injury to you or your property as a result of using this service. None of the information contained in this site represents personal advice. The views expressed in the content of this site are not necessarily those of ILL Mentor You Ltd and no liability is accepted for any outcome arising from the use or misuse of information on this site.
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Unless otherwise specified, the copyright in the content of all the pages in this Website are owned by or licensed to ILL Mentor You Ltd. This includes textual content, logos, icons, graphics, design work and source code. Logos and icons relating to third party individuals and organisations including trademarks and brands thereof are recognised as the property of the respective organisation or individual.
Articles are reproduced on the website with the permission of the copyright holder / author who is acknowledged as the owner of this information.
Unless otherwise specified, the authors of the literary and artistic works in the pages of this website have asserted their moral right to be identified as the author of those works.
Reproduction of any information in the website
You can download and print singular pages from our website for your own personal use only. No part of the website, with the exception of registered coaches and mentors profiles, may be reproduced or transferred to any third party without our express permission. Coaches and mentors profiles may be forwarded to a third party for the purpose of assessing the suitability for the coach or mentor to deliver the help/ work required. No content may be used for commercial purposes or gain without our express permission. If you wish to reproduce our content for your own purposes please contact us.